Aug 25, 2016

Don’t Come Home to a Flood

August 25th, 2016|PEX Plumbing Los Angeles|

There are very few things that worse to come home to than a house that's filled with water. While it might not be the entire house, simply having a bathroom, laundry room, or utility room that's flooded is enough to drive your stress level through the roof. At Integrity Repipe, we believe in helping people [...]

Jul 28, 2016

More Hot Water and Lower Utility Bills

July 28th, 2016|Copper Piping Los Angeles|

Your home plumbing is probably something you rarely think about, and it may only come to mind when there's an issue. You turn on the faucet, and out comes hot or cold water until you're finished showering, washing your hands, or cleaning dishes. It's not until you run out of hot water in the middle [...]

Jul 14, 2016

Clothes and Dishes Not Getting Clean?

July 14th, 2016|PEX Plumbing Los Angeles|

If you walk into most any modern home in America, you're going to find two things: a dishwasher and a washing machine. These appliances used to be considered luxuries, but are now fairly affordable and have revolutionized the American lifestyle. However, if your plumbing and pipes aren't able to carry enough hot water to these [...]

Jun 29, 2016

Our PEX Repiping Process

June 29th, 2016|PEX Plumbing Los Angeles|

Plumbing problems in your home can cause all kinds of frustrations, and even after the source of the issue has been identified, figuring out the best solution can be a challenge. At Integrity Repipe in Los Angeles, we've met with many homeowners who didn't know what to do about their decreased water pressure or rust-colored [...]

May 27, 2016

What Are The Advantages Of Using Copper Piping?

May 27th, 2016|Copper Piping Los Angeles|

Why Should You Get Copper Piping For Your Plumbing People have become increasingly aware of the benefits of using copper piping to transport water in their homes. Copper piping is flexible compared to rigid pipes with limited bend radius, and it’s easy to use in non-linear layouts. But those are only some of its benefits, [...]

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